Why Internet Explorer?

Why must you be so cruel to me? I’ve never done anything to you! In fact I refused to switch from using you for years until I finally moved to Firefox.  I even defended you against those who didn’t understand how awesome you were. So… why do you hate me? Why must you taunt me? My design looks fine in every browser… But then I open it with you and it’s like a twisted joke of epic proportions. I love designing websites, coding them especially. For some reason I just enjoy it a lot, but one of things I never Continue reading

The Shoutbox is a Lie

I’ve recently had some trouble with Blizzforums, or rather the entire server. It seems there are still some issues that need to be worked out, but in the mean time those who visit BF were either stuck with a download prompt, or now thanks to me a simple HTML page that let’s them know it’s down. What I was trying to do was find a a simple shoutbox, chat, etc… type script — preferably a wordpress one — I could just drop in and let folks use temporarily until BF is fixed. But apparently that is impossible to do. I’ve Continue reading

Headers, Menus, and Search Boxes

After spending some time working on a new header/menu area for the site, I implemented a couple of things I’ve done in the past, most notably having a transparent PNG serving as an overlay. Over on Blizzforums the header images are basic, the only added feature are scanlines, however there is a nifty logo that’s a transparent PNG with alpha transparency so it works with any header graphic. Basically the idea there is that instead of imprinting the BF logo on every header graphic, I would just leave it as a PNG and have it sit on top of whatever Continue reading

Header Woes

I decided I didn’t like the header anymore, and removed it. I also miss having a horizontal menu of some kind. So I’m going to add a menu and a new header soon. I also changed some other stuff around here, colors especially. I like the dark design, but I think the text was too dark as well. Needed to get some contrast. I’ve kept wordpress updated, of course, but my foundation theme — Sandbox — is pretty dated at this point and I haven’t found a good replacement. It seems to me that all the available blank wordpress themes Continue reading

Still Lazy, Still Cold

I can just never seem to post anything to this site, not sure why. I rather love the design and even have some new headers to upload into my expanding random pool. I guess I’m just not sure what to post about… though that’s not entirely correct either! There is stuff I’d love to discuss but for some reason I’ve got this idea in my head that if I know about whatever it is I want to talk about, than surely everyone else does! Crazy right? This winter has been harsh, hasn’t it? The ice storm we got slammed with Continue reading