Summer is Hot

I suppose I’ve failed again to post regularly, but I’m so active elsewhere it seems like I blow all my “energy” there and ignore my poor website. Oh well. I did upgrade stuff in the back and I’m looking at some changes, and maybe trying to integrate my activities elsewhere so they show up here so at least people will know I’m actually around if not posting. I’m becoming bored with WoW… It’s interesting really because this is the first time I’ve raided in all the time I’ve played (off and on over the years) and I’m actually having fun… Continue reading

Basic Bear Tanking Macros

I was asked about what macros I use as a Bear tank, and if I could share them. If there was one thing I wish Blizzard would add to WoW, is make it easy to share macros with your friends or fellow guild members. However if that was the case, then I wouldn’t get the chance to use my site for something other than a random post every couple of months. In World of Warcraft macros can make the difference between an alright player, and a great player. With this post I’ll walk you through briefly how to make macros Continue reading

Slow and Steady

Hey that’s the reason I’ve not posted in a month’s time. Yeah, that’s it! The real reason is that I just got side tracked with WoW. But I’ve been getting bored with it, not even getting into ICC is making me want to stay. I’ll be working on a huge meta-achievement over the next week or two, and then I’ll probably let my subscription lapse. Or not. My guild is pretty cool. On the flip side I’ve seen Iron Man 2 twice, once at a midnight showing and again a few days later. Still awesome the second time around. I Continue reading

Clash of, the Seeker

I caught Clash of the Titans yesterday, you know the 56th remake? There must be a new one of these “remade” every few years. Because our theater was still pushing Alice in Wonderland, or Avatar in 3D I missed the 3D action. Still I don’t think that would’ve changed things that much. The movie itself was ok, but the characters, or maybe the acting, seemed really flat and boring. The action scenes, however, are more than worth it. Still I would count this movie more as one to pickup on DVD rather than blow 7-12 bucks on a movie ticket. Continue reading

A Clean Slate

I’ve not used my website much over the past year. At times I wondered if I even needed a website anymore, even considered closing it down. However this seemed to be part of an overall “designer’s block” I was having in regards to designing anything. Whether it was a signature for a forum, or a full blown layout, I just couldn’t seem to get into it anymore. But like most “blocks” it eventually lifted. Late last year I worked on an international website project with members all over Europe. I spent a lot of time working on that site and Continue reading